czwartek, 27 czerwca 2013

From the Intimate Nature series: Helix Pomatia Lovemaking

From the Biodiversity series: Lilium Martagon

Growing wild in our garden...

niedziela, 16 czerwca 2013

Лена и куклы: Three Women and Your Gaze

Support Your Local Statue of Liberty, in: Warm Springs (Cieplice, Warmbrunn)

Textbooks and theories, especially of economics, all miss the point; life consists of nothing but exceptions; and even when there occurs an exception from this - something true to theory - it only confirms the rule.

Nieder-Rabishau- Mühldorf - Querbach - Wolfbrunnen - Antoniwald - Ludwigsdorf (On Foot, That Is)

Raven Farm, Querbach

Tales of Artemis / Diana Lore (Wisia the Archeress)